More than a half-million dollars in grants awarded to local nonprofits
In September 2020, the Hampton Roads Community Foundation awarded $505,992 in competitive grants to five area nonprofits. Funds came from community foundation donors’ unrestricted and field-of-interest funds.
Awarded grants were:
ForKids, Inc., $46,750 over three years for the Economic Mobility Interventions for Families program
New Vision Youth Services, $45,000 over three years to expand their Transitional Housing Step I program for young people ages 18-21 who are not working or in school
Neighborhood, $103,000 over three years to expand the career training and coaching program
VB Home Now, $150,000 over three years to help families experiencing homelessness or at risk of being homeless obtain and retain permanent housing
The Up Center, $161,242 over three years to support a Pediatric Clinician who will provide specialized counseling services for military children and adolescents.