Apply for a Grant

Get ready to apply for a grant

We offer the opportunity for your organization to apply for competitive Community Grants and Special Interest Grants.

Next grant deadlines: 

April 1 for Cultural Vitality and Educational Success Grants

4 principles guide our grantmaking

  1. Impact: Contribution to a long-term positive effect on a community issue
  2. Racial equity: Just, impartial, and fair access to services and programs by people of color
  3. Collaboration and partnership: Cooperative work among nonprofit organizations, “connecting dots,” and finding synergies in complementary initiatives in order to co-produce solutions
  4. Innovation and Creativity: Utilization of new methods or approaches to solve community issues

Community Grants focus on 6 areas

  1. Cultural vitality
  2. Economic stability
  3. Educational success
  4. Environmental stewardship
  5. Health and wellness
  6. Vibrant places

Individual categories are described in Community Grants

Special Interest Grants focus on 9 areas

These grants reflect the interests of charitable people whose funds provide grants for everything from horticulture education to mental health research and youth baseball and softball.

All individual grant categories are described in Special Interest Grants

Planning Grants

These grants help coalitions of nonprofit organizations and other appropriate agencies explore and plan for the launch of a collaborative project to solve an identified community issue.

Details and application procedures are described in Planning Grants

Get started: Follow our 10-step grant application process

  1. Read carefully the grant guideline sections.
    Community Grant options include seed funding, program support and facilities improvement funding. Note that “seed” funding is for piloting new or expansion programs at organizations with existing services and is not funding for start-up organizations. We also offer Special Interest Grants that reflect our fundholders' varied interests. (Note: Planning Grants start with a Letter of Intent.)
  2. Make sure your organization meets our eligibility requirements.
  3. Talk with a program officer about your grant proposal.
    We gladly welcome nonprofit staff and board members every month on Drop-in Day. Before submitting an application be sure to talk with a program officer to receive helpful feedback and advice. However, please remember that as grant deadlines approach, available appointment times may be limited.
  4. Plan to meet the right application deadlines.
    Different grants have different deadline dates so please take note of them since we can't do anything if you apply late or in the wrong grant cycle. And, please remember that all applications must be submitted online by deadline day.
  5. Register for our online application system.
    You need only register once to submit grant applications now and in the future. For help, check out our video on using our online system if you are new to it. Email, or call (757) 622-7951 if you need assistance.
  6. Gather materials needed to apply.
    Note the documents required to upload with your application and prepare these attachments in alignment with the instructions.
  7. Work on your application over a period of time.
    Plan ahead and know that you can access and update your application any time.
  8. Submit your application.
    All grant applications are due on their deadline day. No late applications will be accepted. You cannot revise an application once it is submitted. You can review it on the system at any time, though.
  9. Know that we will stay in touch.
    • We'll send you an email letting you know we received your application. Please add to your safe sender list so your spam filter does not block us.
    • A program officer may contact you to set up a site visit.
    • After our board meeting, you will be notified of our board's decision on your grant. (Meetings typically are about two months after you submit your application). If awarded, you will receive details on grant payments.
  10. If your grant is approved, prepare to report your progress.
    We will send you a grant agreement to be signed and returned. It will include information on submitting online progress reports.