What is a giving circle?

A giving circle is a group of charitable people who care about their community who pool their donation dollars and decide together where to give the money. They learn about the needs in the community and find ways to use philanthropy to help.
There are two giving circles at the Hampton Roads Community Foundation:
Community Leadership Partners, an active philanthropy group whose members pool resources to tackle specific causes in our region. Annual donation amount to join is $2,100 for ages 50 and up, $1,000 for ages 40-49, and $500 for ages 39 and younger.
Visionaries for Change, a passionate group founded by Black business and civic leaders who donate money to a pooled fund and leverage their donations to support charitable causes in the Black community in Hampton Roads. Members donate $5,000 annually to serve at the leadership level. Annual general membership donations are $1,500 for couples and $1,000 for individuals.
Learn more at HamptonRoadsCF.org/GivingYourWay.