Community Leadership Partner Grants 2022

The Community Leadership Partners, a giving circle of the Hampton Roads Community Foundation, awarded $200,000 in grants to 19 area nonprofits in 2022. These organizations provide programs and services to young people ages 16-24 who are at high risk of disconnection, or who are neither working nor in school nor in military service. Organizations were selected for their programs and services in the following priority impact areas:

1. Basic needs (food security, temporary shelter, and/or permanent housing assistance)

2. Health and Wellness (access to primary health assistance, professional mental/behavioral and/or substance abuse care)

3. Self-sufficiency (educational success, workforce training, and/or employment placement)

The 2022 grant recipients are:

Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters, Inc., $10,000 to provide essential services via CHKD’s Child Advocacy Center to children ages 16-24 from across Hampton Roads who have experienced maltreatment, including victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children.

Communities in Schools of Hampton Roads, $10,000 to support the I.C. Norcom High School Site Coordinator assisting students ages 16-24 at risk of disconnection.

Community Outreach Coalition, $14,000 to support a youth development program in Portsmouth through workshops on Academic Success, Workforce Readiness, Financial Literacy, Basic Life Skills, Character Building, and Community Service/Volunteerism.

ForKids, Inc., $10,000 to provide housing stabilization and support services to South Hampton Roads-area parenting youth ages 18-24.

Hampton Roads Workforce Foundation, $14,000 for the NextGen Regional Internship Program, a paid internship program providing workforce development and career counseling services to youth ages 16-21 who have become or are at risk of becoming disconnected.

Hearts Full of Grace, $8,000 to provide transitional support, financial literacy, mental health support, family goal setting, and hunger relief to single mothers ages 18-24.

Horizons Hampton Roads, $8,000 to provide to provide tutoring, work-readiness, community service leadership, and college/adult education prep services during the school year to youth ages 16-24 at risk of disconnection.

Mosaic Steel Orchestra, $5,000 to support creation of a steelpan orchestra program for disconnected youth ages 16-24 in midtown Norfolk.

Neighborhood, $10,000 to provide workforce training, job placement assistance, and support services to reduce un- and under-employment, food and housing insecurity, and poverty in Chesapeake’s South Norfolk community.

Norfolk Botanical Garden, $10,000 to support a horticulture workforce training program for youth at risk of disconnection in partnership with Teens With a Purpose’s Horticulture Intern Program.

Seton Youth Shelters, $14,000 to support the Residential Shelter Program, including support services and education programs for disconnected youth.

StandUP For Kids-Hampton Roads, $14,000 to support for a Youth Emergency Shelter and support services, including case management, employment assistance, mentoring, and counseling, to disconnected and homeless youth ages 18-24.

The Micro-Nonprofit Network, $8,000 to provide support for a self-sufficiency, life skills, and independent living program for youth and young adults ages 16-24, with a focus on youth who have aged out of the foster care system.

Tidewater Friends of Foster Care, Inc., $14,000 to provide weekly tutoring services to help South Hampton Roads foster youth ages 16-24 bridge academic gaps.

Tidewater Wooden Boat Workshop, $5,000 to support a pre-apprentice program teaching carpentry, woodworking skills, and related workforce training to disconnected youth ages 16-24 and high school students at risk for becoming disconnected.

Tidewater Youth Services Foundation, $14,000 to support independent living skills education for Hampton Roads youth ages 16-24 who are at risk for disconnection or court-involved and living in TYSF’s residential group homes.

Together We Can Foundation, $14,000 to support prevention services and direct training in effective career alignment, life-work planning, and goal-setting to South Hampton Roads youth ages 16-24 at risk for disconnection who are seeking gainful employment.

Trophy Cares, $4,000 to support a mentoring, tutoring and financial literacy program for South Hampton Roads youth ages 16-24 at risk for disconnection.

Virginia Beach CASA, $14,000 to support prevention and intervention services via a mentoring program to Virginia Beach youth ages 16-24 who have been neglected and/or abused and are in the child welfare system.