Undergraduate Scholarships

80+ Undergraduate Scholarships

The following is a description of undergraduate scholarship funds administered by the Hampton Roads Community Foundation. The selection criteria for recipients was established by the generous people who started each fund.

Please read each description carefully to determine if you are eligible. Unless otherwise noted, you should demonstrate financial need, be a long-time resident of South Hampton Roads (Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach, Isle of Wight County), and plan to enroll (or be enrolled) full-time in an accredited, four-year nonprofit college or university in the United States. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Scholarships are renewable for up to four years of study, unless otherwise noted.

Award amounts are based on a variety of factors: how much money is available, how many winners are selected and an individual's financial need. A typical scholarship ranges between $400-$6,000.

Please also check Other Scholarships to see if you qualify for any of these additional scholarships.

Learn how to apply for the scholarships listed below

AAA Tidewater - J. Theron "Tim" Timmons Memorial Scholarship. For graduating high school seniors whose parents or legal guardians are members of AAA Tidewater Virginia. Recipients must be U.S. citizens, have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, demonstrate financial need, and enroll in an accredited four-year Virginia college or university. This is a one-year scholarship and is not renewable. Employees of AAA Tidewater Virginia and its subsidiary companies and their relatives are not eligible.

AGA Virginia Peninsula Government Accountability. For college juniors, seniors, or graduate students from Hampton Roads, Eastern Shore of Virginia, the Middle Peninsula and/or Northern Neck who have at least a 3.0 GPA, have demonstrated keen interest in pursuing a public service career in government financial management and accountability and have declared a major in a relevant field. Eligible majors include, but are not limited to, finance, accounting, auditing, budgeting, financial reporting, performance reporting, grants management, contract management, business administration, business analytics, and public administration. Preference shall be given to students attending universities based in Hampton Roads. 

Helen Murphy Addington Scholarship. For a female graduate of Maury High School in Norfolk. 

Kay White Baker Art Scholarship. For a graduate of Norfolk Public Schools pursuing a degree in art or art education. Not available in 2025-2026

Beach Health Clinic Scholarship. For graduates of high schools in Virginia Beach (including homeschooled Virginia Beach residents) obtaining degrees in medicine (MD or DO), physician’s assistant, nursing, dentistry, dental hygiene, physical therapy, occupational therapy, or speech language pathology. Preference will be given to students of color. Undergraduates must have already gained admission to a nursing degree program or dental hygiene program. Students completing nursing or dental hygiene pre-requisites are not eligible.

Jesse T. Bonney Memorial Scholarship. For female Virginia residents under the age of 26. Preference for students from South Hampton Roads.

Bob & Bobbie Brenton Scholarship. For students of color, first-generation college students, and others who have overcome barriers to obtaining higher education and are pursuing undergraduate education at a college or university and/or community college. Not available in 2025-2026

Julia Atwater Bristow Scholarship. For graduates of public high schools in Norfolk and on the Eastern Shore who are attending a secular four-year university or community college. Click here to watch a video about Julia Atwater Bristow.

Dan H. Brockwell Fund. For students attending a four-year college or university. 

Dan H. Brockwell Scholarship for Architecture. For undergraduate or graduate students studying architecture. Preference will be given to students from Virginia Beach. 

Clara W. Burhans Memorial Scholarship. For deserving students from Norfolk, Virginia Beach or Chesapeake.

Charles F. Burroughs Memorial Scholarship. For students attending Hampden-Sydney College. (Peninsula and Eastern Shore students may also apply).

Lori Burwell Ocean Lakes High School STEM Scholarship. For students graduating from Ocean Lakes High School in Virginia Beach who will major in sciences, technology, engineering or mathematics at a four-year college or university. Applicants should show overall excellence inside and outside of the classroom and be well-rounded students with strong records of academic success and student leadership as evidenced by involvement in extracurricular activities such as student government, class organizations, athletics, clubs or community service. Preference will be given to students who have taken at least AP Calculus and who have a minimum grade point average of 3.5.

E.W. Chittum Memorial Scholarship. For students graduating from a public high school in Chesapeake. Preference will be given to students who will attend Washington and Lee University. Not available in 2025-2026

Community Fund for Scholarships. For deserving students. Not available in 2025-2026

Charles B. Cross, Jr. and Eleanor P. Cross Citizenship Scholarship. For graduating high school seniors from Chesapeake Public Schools who demonstrate community service and citizenship within the school and community. This is a one-time, merit-based award and is not renewable.

J. Robert and Ettie F. Cunningham Memorial Scholarship. For students from Norfolk with a preference for those who want t make education their profession.

Rosemary E. Vassar Curtis Memorial Scholarship. For students graduating from Chesapeake Public Schools pursuing degrees in mathematics, education, or engineering. Not available in 2025-2026.

Friends of Joshua P. Darden Jr. Scholarship. For students graduating from public high schools.

Hunter Davis Memorial Scholarship. For a graduate of Thalia Elementary School who is in the top third of the graduating class at Princess Anne High School in Virginia Beach. Not available in 2025-2026

Dean-Callahan Memorial Scholarship. For graduating high school seniors from public high schools in Norfolk who have participated on a school athletic team for at least two years and will attend a four-year college or university. Students must have participated during their senior year unless injured. Preference will be given to swimmers. Priority will also be given to athletes rather than students in supportive roles such as team managers and athletic training aides. Not available in 2025-2026

Edwards Family Isle of Wight Scholarship Fund. For high school seniors from Isle of Wight County. Preference is given to students attending a four-year college.

Facchini Frost Fund. For students from South Hampton Roads with at least a "C" average who are attending Old Dominion University. Renewal is contingent upon maintaining a "C" average.

Frank Fang Memorial Scholarship. For Chinese or Chinese American students from anywhere in Hampton Roads (including the Peninsula and Gloucester County) to attend a four-year college or university. This is a one-year, one-time only scholarship; it will not be renewed. Students must demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and exceptional potential in the areas of citizenship and leadership. This award is merit-based; financial need is not a factor.

S & C Gagliardi Scholarship. For graduating high school seniors from public high schools in Accomack County for full-time attendance at a four-year college or university.

Nicholas J. Georges Memorial Scholarship. For an Old Dominion University student of Greek heritage or who is studying Greek cultures. 

Harry Bramhall Gilbert Merit Scholarship. For Chesapeake Public School graduates attending the College of William and Mary, James Madison University, the University of Virginia or Virginia Tech. Students must demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and exceptional potential in the areas of citizenship and leadership. This award is merit-based; financial need is not a factor.

Victor and Ruth N. Goodman Memorial Scholarship. For vocational and upper-level undergraduate students studying medicine or other health professions. Undergraduates must have already gained admission to a nursing or health professions degree program. Students pursuing pre-health sciences tracks are not eligible. Students must be pursuing degrees leading to careers as medical practitioners. Healthcare administration, policy and public health are not eligible degree programs.

Melvin R. Green Scholarship. For students attending a four-year college or university with a preference for those studying business with a focus on accounting at Old Dominion University. Not available in 2025-2026

Jennifer Mooney Greene Scholarship. For low-income Virginia Beach Public School students whose family has a limited history of attending college attendance. They must participate in the Achievement Via Individual Determination (AVID) program or a similar college readiness program. A letter of recommendation from the AVID or other program coordinator is required. Preference will be given to students graduating from Green Run High School or Green Run Collegiate.

Charles and Dorothy Greiner Memorial Scholarship. For students of color graduating from high schools in South Hampton Roads. Not available in 2025-2026.

Everette H. and Edith P. Griffin Memorial Scholarship. For 1) students from Western Tidewater, with a preference for residents of Isle of Wight County, or 2) students who are deaf or blind from anywhere in South Hampton Roads and in need of financial assistance to attend primary, secondary or post-secondary educational institutions. Preference will be given to students from Western Tidewater. Recipients will be required to submit documentation confirming their status as legally deaf or blind.
Note: Western Tidewater includes Isle of Wight County, Southampton County, Franklin and Suffolk.

Parents interested in applying for the Griffin Memorial Scholarship so their child can attend a private primary or secondary school should contact the Community Foundation at scholarships@hamptonroadscf.org after December 1 to request an application.

Colonel J. Addison Hagan Memorial Scholarship. For students attending Virginia Military Institute.

George D. and Marion Phelps Hamar HRBOR Scholarship. For self-identifying lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) students graduating from high schools in Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport News, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk or Virginia Beach, with special emphasis to those who have demonstrated involvement in the LGBT community. Recipients must enroll in a four-year college or university. Not available in 2025-2026

Hampton Roads Spartan Scholarship. For students from Hampton Roads attending Norfolk State University. Preference will be given to students who are single parents.

Joseph E. and Bertha White Harry Scholarship. For students attending Old Dominion University or Virginia Wesleyan College. Click here to learn about the Harrys and meet one recent Harry Scholarship recipient.

Diane Reilly Hartzog Memorial Scholarship. For students graduating from high schools in South Hampton Roads with a preference for those planning to study library science or English. Recipients must enroll in a four-year college or university. Not available in 2025-2026

Holland Family Scholarship. For students from the Eastern Shore of Virginia or graduating from Pocomoke High School and Holly Grove Christian School on the Eastern Shore of Maryland who are in need of financial aid for undergraduate education, with a preference for those pursuing degrees related to farming and agriculture. Second preference will be given to those who have demonstrated interest in farming and agriculture through employment (including family farms), volunteer experiences or extracurricular activities (e.g., 4H, Future Farmers of America, livestock associations, Fish & Wildlife Service, Virginia Dept. of Conservation).

Tommy Horvatic Memorial Scholarship. For students graduating from Princess Anne High School in Virginia Beach who are pursuing post-secondary education at a four-year college or community college. This scholarship is not meant just for very top students, but for students with good character who are active in the community and provide evidence of community service. View a video about Tommy Horvatic and his family, who created the scholarship in his memory.

Pat Howe Jr. Health Care Scholarship. For students from South Hampton Roads and the Peninsula enrolled in an accredited post-secondary certificate, diploma, or degree program at a nonprofit institution in Hampton Roads and studying nursing, physical therapy, radiography or other allied health profession in which there is a workforce shortage. Applicants must have completed at least one-half of the program requirements (i.e., semesters or credits needed for completion of the curriculum in the field of study). Renewal eligibility will vary depending on the program curriculum.

Anne Hurd Memorial Scholarship. For a female student active in Key Club or the daughter of a member of a Kiwanis Club in Norfolk, Portsmouth, Virginia Beach or Chesapeake. The applicant or the parent must be a member in good standing of an appropriate club for at least the past two (2) years. Not available in 2025-2026

Pamela Scott Hyatt Music Scholarship Fund. For students from Norfolk Public Schools who are attending a four-year college or university and majoring in performing arts or studying to be a music teacher.

Indian River Ruritan Scholarship in memory of Paul L. Wolfe, Sr., Mark James Baker, John M. Ames, Sr., and John Alfred Haymer. For students graduating from a public high school in Chesapeake, with a preference for students attending Indian River High School, who are pursuing post-secondary education at an accredited four-year college or university.

James 2:26 Fund. For students earning a bachelor’s degree at a public college or university located in Virginia. Strong preference will be given to students living in public or subsidized housing. To the extent possible, this scholarship will cover tuition, fees, room and board not covered by other grants and scholarships the student receives. Recipients are required to live on campus for their first year of attendance if such housing is available.

Sierra Jenkins Scholarship. For students who are long-time residents of Virginia pursuing a degree in journalism or a degree in communications with a concentration in journalism at a four-year Virginia college or university. Applicants must be studying print or online/digital journalism. Preference will be given to African American/Black students or other historically marginalized racial or ethnic groups such as, but not limited to, Native American/Indigenous, Hispanic/Latinx, Middle Eastern, Asian and Pacific Islanders. This is a one-year, one-time only scholarship; it will not be renewed. 

Thomas G. Johnson Jr. Scholarship. For a Norfolk Public School graduate attending the University of Virginia. Not available in 2025-2026

Wayne and Louinda Hollis Jones Scholarship. Not available in 2025-2026 For students who are graduates of high schools located in South Hampton Roads, VA or Martin County, NC who are in need of financial aid and studying to obtain an undergraduate degree in Nursing (ASN or BSN) or a Doctor of Medicine degree. Preference will be given to nursing students.

Judge Floyd E. and Annie B. Kellam Scholarship. For students graduating from Kellam High School who are pursuing undergraduate degrees in math, science or business at a community college or four-year college or university. Recipients must continue to major in math, science or business to be eligible for renewal of the scholarship.

Adrian Ryan Kirk Memorial Scholarship. For graduating high school seniors with ADD, ADHD and learning disabilities who demonstrate the will and determination to overcome their disabilities and pursue college or vocational education. Applicants will be required to submit IEP, Section 504 or other school documentation indicating the disability. This is a one-year scholarship; it will not be renewed. This award is merit-based; financial need is not a factor.

Frank and Carol Kroboth Scholarship. For students pursuing undergraduate nursing education. Eligible programs include certified nursing assistant, practical nursing, and associate and bachelor of nursing degrees. Preference shall be given to students attending Tidewater Community College. 

Leslie P. Langley and Sarah Campen Powers Scholarship (VT). For Norfolk Public Schools graduates attending Virginia Tech.

Leslie P. Langley and Sarah Campen Powers Scholarship (VWU). For undergraduate or graduate students attending Virginia Wesleyan University with a preference for Norfolk Public Schools graduates. NEW IN 2025-2026.

Lawson Companies Employee Scholarship. For current employees of Lawson Companies and eligible dependent children of current employees to pursue undergraduate education at an accredited in-state two-year or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school. Current employee is defined as an employee of Lawson Companies working 20 hours a week or more who has been employed by the company for more than one year. Eligible dependent children are defined as natural and legally adopted children or stepchildren living in the employee’s household or primarily supported by the employee who are under the age of 26. Employees may enroll part-time or full-time; dependent children must enroll full-time. (South Hampton Roads geographic restriction DOES NOT apply.) 

Lawson Companies Resident Scholarship. For current residents of Lawson Companies rental properties in Virginia and eligible dependent children of current residents of Lawson Companies rental properties in Virginia to pursue undergraduate education at an accredited in-state two-year or four-year college, university or vocational-technical school. Eligible dependent children are defined as natural and legally adopted children or stepchildren living in the resident’s household who are under the age of 26. Residents may be pursuing full-time or part-time enrollment; dependent children must enroll full-time. (South Hampton Roads geographic restriction DOES NOT apply.) 

Joseph A. Leafe Scholarship. For a Norfolk Public School graduate attending Hampden-Sydney College.

Alice Riddick Levy and Stuart Paul Levy Scholarship. For Suffolk residents.

Lewis Family Norfolk 17 Scholarship. For students graduating from Norfolk Public Schools. Preference will be given to students who have at least a 2.8 GPA, participate in community service activities and/or work part-time during high school. This is a one-year, one-time only scholarship; it will not be renewed.

Dr. Milton R. Liverman Memorial Scholarship. For a graduating high school senior from Suffolk Public Schools. This is a one-year, one-time only scholarship; it will not be renewed.

Lewis K. Martin II, M.D. and Cheryl Rose Martin Scholarship Fund. For Virginia residents pursuing post-secondary education at Davidson College (Davidson, NC) or Salem College (Winston-Salem, NC). This scholarship is also available for students attending University of Virginia School of Medicine or secondary school at Salem Academy (Winston-Salem, NC). Not available in 2025-2026

 The Maury Foundation Scholarship. For graduating high school seniors from Maury High School in Norfolk to attend a four-year college or university. 

The Maury Foundation Scholarship - Oscar B. Ferebee, Jr. For graduating high school seniors from Maury High School in Norfolk to attend a four-year college or university.

The Maury Foundation Scholarship - Paxton-Beale Family. For graduating high school seniors from Maury High School in Norfolk to attend a four-year college or university.

Ellen Hitt McLaughlin Scholarship. For a graduating high school senior who attended Holland Elementary School in Virginia Beach for at least one year. This is a one-year scholarship; it will not be renewed.

Meachum Scholarship in memory of Charles D. Meachum. For graduates of Norfolk Public Schools. Not available in 2025-2026

Mary Meyer-Alice Pyle Memorial Nursing Scholarship. For graduates of public or private high schools in South Hampton Roads pursing undergraduate or graduate degrees in nursing (BSN, MSN, DNP) at a Virginia college or university. NEW IN 2025-2026.

Perry and Bunny Morgan Fund. For deserving students.

Carrie Biggs Morrison Memorial Scholarship-Virginia Beach. For students from Virginia Beach. This award is merit-based; financial need is not a factor.

Carrie Biggs Morrison Memorial Scholarship-Martin County. For students from Martin County, North Carolina. This award is merit-based; financial need is not a factor.

Norview High School's LCSE Scholarship. For graduating high school seniors from the Leadership Center for the Sciences and Engineering at Norview High School to attend a four-year college or university.

Margarette H. Old Student and Nurse Educational Fund. For female students from South Hampton Roads and the Peninsula attending Salem College in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.  

Betty Ciampoli Oliver Scholarship. For Hampton Roads residents who attended Woodstock Elementary School in Virginia Beach for at least three years, graduated from high school with at least a 2.8 GPA, and will attend a two-year or four-year college or university. Not available in 2025-2026

The Pender Scholarship. For female students attending Notre Dame of Maryland University in Baltimore. Recipients can be from anywhere in Virginia, but preference is given to students from Hampton Roads.

Peninsula Council of Garden Clubs, Inc. Scholarship. For students from Virginia who are college sophomores or above enrolled in an associate's, bachelor's, master's or Ph.D. program with a declared major in one of the following fields of study at a Virginia college or university: Environmental Sciences; Plant Science, Plant Biology and Plant Pathology; Horticulture, Landscape and Garden Design; Landscape Architecture; Aquaculture and Water Resources; Forestry; or Environmental Restoration of the Chesapeake Bay and Estuaries. Preference will be given to students from the Tidewater/Coastal Plains region of Virginia east of the fall line

Lefki and George Polizos Family Scholarship. For students attending community college or a four-year college with preference for those of Greek descent or those attending Virginia Wesleyan College.

Harry B. Price Jr. Memorial Scholarship. For students displaying qualities of leadership, initiative and ability. Not available in 2025-2026

Roland W. Proescher Scholarship. For students in engineering, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or other science.

Walter Cecil Rawls Educational Fund. For graduating seniors from public high schools in Suffolk, Franklin, Isle of Wight County, Southampton County and Sussex County in Virginia and Gates County, North Carolina. Two students will be selected from Suffolk, and one student will be selected from each of the other localities. This is a one-year scholarship; it will not be renewed.

Elisabeth Kelly King Reilly Scholarship. For graduates of Maury High School attending the University of Virginia.

Edwin J. Rosenbaum Scholarship. For students of the Jewish faith.

Ellis W. Rowe Memorial Scholarship. For students from Gloucester County.

Michael E. Sakakini Scholarship. For students graduating from Granby High School with a preference for those on the track & field and/or cross-country team. Second preference will be given to students on any other Granby athletic team.

Wilfred G. Semple Scholarship Loan Fund. For students from Hampton Roads studying engineering, physics or math at a Virginia university. Applicants must be planning to enter at least their junior year of study.

Felton Ray Sharp and Evelyn Berryman Sharp Scholarship. For deserving students.

Donald E. Sly, M.D. and Madeline H. Sly Medical Scholarship – For students from Virginia in need of financial aid to pursue a career in medicine or health care at an accredited Virginia two-year college, four-year college, vocational, or medical school. Not available in 2025-2026

Jarrod Camper Smith Memorial Scholarship. For an outstanding high school senior who participated in youth sports programs through King's Grant/Lynnhaven Recreation Association for at least three years. This is a one-year scholarship; it will not be renewed. This award is merit-based; financial need is not a factor.

Enid W. and Bernard B. Spigel Architectural Scholarship. For long-time Virginia residents who are juniors, seniors or graduate students in architecture, architectural history or architectural preservation. This scholarship is renewable for up to two years. Applicants may be from anywhere in Virginia.

The Surry Fund. To promote racial harmony and lessen the negative impact of racism through scholarships to students from Surry County. This is a one-year, one-time only scholarship; it will not be renewed.

Minton W. Talbot Scholarship. For students graduating from Granby High School and pursuing post-secondary education at a college, university or accredited vocational school. Not available in 2025-2026

D.A. Taylor Memorial Scholarship. For students displaying qualities of strong leadership, academic abilities, extracurricular involvement, a commitment to helping others and overall excellence inside and outside of the classroom. Watch a video about D.A. Taylor and meet a recent scholarship recipient.

Patsy G. Teer Fund. For deserving students from South Hampton Roads.

Mary Josephine Termini Memorial Scholarship for the Arts. For students graduating from high schools in South Hampton Roads who are pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts or Bachelor of Arts degree in the areas of fine arts, design, art history or art education at Old Dominion University. Not available in 2025-2026

Vincent J. Thomas Scholarship. For students attending Virginia Military Institute, with a preference for graduates of Norfolk Public Schools. 

Thomas P. Thompson Memorial Scholarship. For Norfolk residents. Not available in 2025-2026

Touch the Future Early Childhood Education Scholarship. For graduates of high schools in South Hampton Roads who are majoring in early childhood education at two-year or four-year colleges or universities. Not available in 2025-2026

John W. and Linda Vakos Scholarship. For students from Virginia Beach attending a two-year or four-year college or university or a trade or technical school. Not available in 2025-2026

Virginia Eye Foundation. For students from the Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC metropolitan statistical area (including Camden, Currituck and Gates Counties in North Carolina) for undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate education at a technical school, college, university, medical school or school of optometry including vocational and two-year degree accredited institutions. Preference will be given to students obtaining degrees related to ophthalmology, optometry and vision sciences. 

Gertrude Ward Scholarship. For students from Virginia Beach with a preference for graduates of Princess Anne High School and those majoring in English.

Weisberg and Clark Scholarship. For graduating high school students. Not available in 2025-2026

Captain Rexford Vinal Wheeler Jr., U.S.N. Fund. For students attending Old Dominion University, with a preference for students from Norfolk.

Paul and Athena Yeonas Memorial Fund. For students of Greek descent attending a community college, four-year college or graduate school. If there are no applicants of Greek descent, the Foundation may select any student attending Old Dominion University.

More scholarships to explore

Take a look at our list of Other Scholarships to see if you meet the unique criteria.